Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snow Angels...

I've been fucking around with this here blog, and now the super-cool review I had planned for "Snow Angels" is already out of date. But I'll still post it, nonetheless. Anyway, in my humble opinion, David Gordon Green may be the light at the end of the tunnel as far as American filmmaking is concerned. He might just craft a respectable body of work. I guess he's working on a remake of "Suspiria" which also happens to be one of my all-time favorite flicks. (horror or otherwise) Here's the review:
I barely made it to an advanced screening of David Gordon Green's latest flick, Snow Angels, last week. I got off work (I'm a valet at a hotel in Portland) and hauled ass 7 blocks to take my place third in line for tickets. Pleased as punch to have garnered a ticket, I then noticed a familiar individual standing inside the main hall of the venue. It was a gal I had seen three hours earlier in the lobby of my hotel. I realized she was a representative for the Northwest Film Center waiting to deliver the intenerary for the Snow Angels event and the gentleman I had assisted to the front desk was none other than Mr. Green. Hilarity-core to say the least!
But besides that bit of trivial information, Snow Angels arrived as another laudable effort from the filmmaker. It showcased an expanded scope of vision, finding the director shedding qualitities that previously encased his work. By this I mean, the realiance on placing actors in the foreground of lavishily composed, ethereal shots. If anything, Tim Orr's cinematography was starkly muted, but in a positive manner. Mundane, yet effectively so. Snow Angels certainly might be the best acted of his four films, and anticipates his upcoming film, Pineapple Express, with its emphasis on spontaniety and improvisation.
More or less, Snow Angels is another addition to the cycle of small town/big tragedy genre of films. (e.g. The Sweet Hereafter, The Ice Storm, Affliction) But it stands on its feet as an unique variant to what could have unfolded as a grim meditation. Green bypasses the morbid option through staging sequences of humor as a counterpoint to the bleakness. It's an effictive technique and in some regards a better representation of how life is. I would definitely recommend it."

In other news, I've started preparation on a music video for my pal, Jordan Dykstra which will hopefully be completed in June. The Righteous and Harmonious Fists video is finished and will be posted shortly, along with my short film. (I shit you not....) All in good time, my friends, all in good time.

1 comment:

TLE said...

I'm sold! I will definitely check the flick out. I saw Perseplois last night...I'm curious on your thoughts if you've seen it.